Give as you Live Online is a free and easy way to raise money for us, just by shopping online.
Once you've signed up, you can browse the Give as you Live website for the store you want to shop with. Click 'shop & raise' to go to their website, then continue to shop as normal. A percentage of everything you buy will raise a donation for us!
You will get an email within 1-7 days to let you know how much you've raised.
💸 It's free
📱 There's a handy app
🛍️ There are over 5,500 eligible stores!
Just click the link below to sign up:
Need Help?
If you're unsure how to set this up, we've a step-by-step guide for those using Google Chrome on PC or those using Safari on their Mac.
Your support will help MK Friends fund more items for Milton Keynes University Hospital.